
An airport worker explains why it’s not a good idea to put a ribbon on your luggage.

However, John, an experienced luggage handler at Dublin Airport, believes that these common strategies could be counterproductive.

They could make your worst travel fear come true.

Get rid of the ribbon.

In an interview with RSVP Live, John said that putting unique ribbons on your luggage could cause delays, making it more likely that your things could not make it onto the plane.

“Ribbons that people attach to their suitcases to easily recognize them can create problems when the bags are being scanned in the baggage area,” John explained to the media. “If a bag cannot be scanned automatically, it will need to be processed manually, which may cause your bag to miss the flight.”

If you remove ribbons and old travel stickers from your suitcase, it may help it arrive on time at your destination.

John recommends. “Take off any old stickers from your luggage because they might make scanning difficult.”

Another thing that could cause problems for your luggage is marzipan, a sweet treat with almond flavor. John cautions that bringing marzipan with you on your journey could cause security to pay special attention to you.

“Never put marzipan in your suitcase.” “It has a similar density to some explosives, so your bag might be selected for a search, and you could be asked to leave the plane,” warned the baggage expert from Dublin.

Before you put your luggage on the conveyor belt for handlers like John, make sure the wheels are facing up to prevent any possible damage.

Saying Goodbye to Regular Luggage

continued on next page

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